
Sunday, July 26, 2015

Unregulated Doc Box Review

The Doc Box is an extremely durable box mod that can either be purchased in parallel or series form. As of right now, it's only available for wholesale purchase ( We were informed that a consumer based site, or a portion of that site, is currently in the works.

We'd like to start off the review by admiring the powder coating on the Doc Box. Throughout the reviewing process, our boxes with the Black Wrinkle finish have seen their fair share of every day wear and tear. They've survived everything from pockets full of keys & tools, to falling out of cars onto rough asphalt. The bottom line is that they've come out with hardly a scratch on them due to the finish which is not only durable, it looks terrific. The finish options at the moment are as follows: Gold Wrinkle, Black Wrinkle, Red, Standard Black, and a Tiffany Blue finish is in the works.

The wiring in the Doc Box is 12 gauge copper wire, and it's built about as clean as one can possibly ask for. The skill is apparent in the wiring, and the connections are soldered with extreme precision. From the contacts to the 3034 Mosfet and the C&K Tactile switch, the internals were built to perfection.  The throw of the switch was crisp, clean, and gave no guess work as to the firing point when applying pressure. The whole box had a fantastic feel in the hand, and due to the center position of the 510 connector, the ergonomics of the mod extended right to the mouth. The high quality parts and the skill applied at installation meant that both the series and parallel boxes delivered the current directly where it was supposed to go hit after hit for long battery life and safe vaping.

The doors are held on with magnets so that in the event of a venting battery, one is able to toss them as quickly as possible. The inside of the doors are clearly marked with the type of box it is as well as some basic safety limitations on that box, (e.g. Series - .30 or higher / Parallel - .08 or higher). All boxes come with clearly marked positive and negative instructions within the battery sled to again reduce the risk of damages to both the box and the user.

The Doc Box quickly became our unregulated daily vaper, and we don't have any plans in the near future to change that. The Doc Box is a quality instrument, built clearly with the intention to make it simple to use, and safe for the user.  We were told in our interview with "Doc Mod" himself, the simple labeling, quality wiring, and strong magnets that hold the door in place are all part of Doc's goal to help the vaping community "Vape Safer", and they're doing it. They're doing it with style.

Thanks for reading from Mike & the OMH Team,
And as always, Vape Safe!

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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Koiler RDA Review

Koiler RDA Review:
This review provided by @koilervapes

We recently had the honor of reviewing the Koiler RDA. We were impressed with both the quality of the RDA and the company itself, who were incredible people to work with.

The first thing we noticed about the hardware was the level of personalization that can be accomplished with so many different interchangeable pieces. Regardless of what color your mod, you can make this RDA match or compliment your setup. The AFC rings came in red, blue, black, stainless, and polished stainless. In the future, we wouldn't mind seeing copper, Tiffany blue, and white rings as well in order to maximize the potential color combos. The pieces were all high quality metals with high quality finishes.

The Koiler came with 3 drip tips. 1 brushed stainless, 1 black polymer, and 1 white polymer. The stainless does get a bit hot after prolonged use which is, of course, unavoidable with anything metal as it will conduct heat. Both polymers looked great and conducted virtually no heat at all. The mouth feel of the tip was nothing short of amazing. It was large enough to let clouds roll through, but small enough that it felt natural.  We do wish there was a 510 drip tip connector for the RDA for those who prefer to use a standard mouthpiece. The drip tips are equipped with spitback protective mesh, which is something that is seen more and more across the industry, and we couldn't be happier. Koiler is on the leading edge of this new trend which we hope will soon become a standard. All 3 drip tips have a protector that saves you from sizzling juice burning your mouth.

The flavors popped more than other cloud chasing drippers due to the airflow being slightly cut, but it also held its own in blowing thick, dense clouds. As far as the airflow itself is concerned, we had a difficult time finding anything to critique. We did find that the AFC ring had the air holes quite a bit higher than most other RDA's meaning that the coils either need to be elevated in order to receive direct air flow, (leading to long wicks, which may cause issues on a series box which needs a consistent flow of juice or lower Ω builds) or simply accept that the airflow will go over the top. Our coils were well below the airflow, but we still didn't have issues blowing clouds, and the flavor was still better than most cloud chasing RDA's, it simply may be even better if the air blew directly on the coils.

The post holes (2.8mm) were large enough even for more complicated builds. We found this to be one of our favorite features of the RDA. Large holes combined with the four post holes meant that it was capable of handling thick builds with ease. The dual hole center post was solid copper which lead to better conductivity and less volt drop. We do wonder though, with it being copper exposed to wet conditions consistently, how well it will hold against rust. Thus far we have yet to find any issues. A few things that could be improved are that the center post did swivel slightly while tightening, which did add difficulty to securing builds. The screws were deep etched flat heads which did help in tightening, but because the screws were copper, unless you're extremely careful, they're fairly easy to damage or strip, so caution is advised.

Overall this was to date our preferred, and most successful RDA to use on a series box mod, and we highly recommend it. The post holes are large enough to accommodate the high Ω requirements of series builds, the airflow is wide enough to not scorch your throat, the juice wells are deep enough that you have the juice to keep your wick wet, and juice popping is well contained by the spitback protector.

Again, we'd like to thank Koiler for working with us on this review. They sent the RDA setup and care package without any stipulations so that we were able to provide an honest review for all those of you who care enough to read.

-Large Post Holes (2.8mm)
-Drip tips have a great mouth feel
-Mesh Spitback Protector
+ 5 colored AFC rings
+ 3 drip tips
-Full Copper Center Post
-4 Post Hole Design
-Cut air flow for good flavor
-Large enough air flow for good clouds
-Great Conductivity

-Metal drip tip does get warm after continued use
-No 510 Drip Tip connector
-No White or Copper or Tiffany Blue AFC Ring
-Center post swivels a bit while tightening builds
-Copper screws can be damaged if not cautious
-Copper housing can be damaged if over-tightened from bottom center pin
-Fairly Expensive for Full Option
+(3 Drip Tip + 5 AFC Ring - $110) ($50 for Single Option)

Thanks for reading from Mike & the OMH Team,
And as always, Vape Safe!

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